You Started a Business During a Global Pandemic?!?

Sun-Tzu said “in the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.” With all of our lives turned up, down, and all-around, we have come to know it simply as 2020.  With massive change in the way we work, shop, recreate, and associate – why not more change? Some may look at 2020 as only disruption and even destruction. Without question, many have experienced much pain and heartache.  But, is there anything positive that can come from it?  With so much change, embracing the change might just be the way to go. Why not change perspective and control what can be controlled? I decided to adjust my outlook and make change that I wanted to happen – positive change.

Like many of us, I have spent my career implementing other people’s ideas.  Being in sales, you have to make those ideas your own to some extent, but I really wanted to own it. I wanted the challenge of bringing forth an idea and seeing if I could make it grow – the full cycle: live or die.  I enjoy solving puzzles, taking a problem and changing perspective as a way to move forward, and  I enjoy helping people to achieve their goals. I often reflect on when I played baseball. I played catcher and I always thought of it as the best position on the field.  As catcher, I could significantly influence game play and outcomes.  The biggest impact wasn’t how well I caught the ball or how alert I was, but was the influence I could have on the rest of my team.  The collaboration with the pitcher, the communication with the basemen, the more I engaged my teammates with positivity and confidence, the better we all played.  I loved winning and losing with my team.  I wanted my children to have those same types of experiences – to feel that positive charge, win or lose.  So, I made time to coach and I’m glad I did; being with them by their side as they grew. They faced challenges and defeat, built relationships, and built confidence – those were the real wins.  I was so happy to have been part of the process – providing guidance and experience – being part of the team with a positive outcome.

Professionally, I was happiest when I was able to be part of my client’s process, on their “team” to bring a positive outcome. We started Octellient with exactly that mindset.  We want to be part of the team, side-by-side, working together to build positive outcomes.  The world of information security is often chaotic.  It seems at times we are wandering aimlessly, that we are going from one thing to the next without making forward progress.  Business is changing ever faster, demands are increasing, seemingly there is no time to breathe, and the world is on our shoulders.  Perhaps it’s time to take a breath, re-group, and focus on the potential for opportunity.  As my good friend John Gamades, recently wrote in a blog post, maybe it’s time for some “imagination”.  Can we imagine forward progression? Can we imagine a positive outcome from chaos? I can. We need to build our confidence by accepting where we are at today and take advantage of the chaos, the definition of resilient.  How can we take the advantage? We need to employ our imagination to bring a new mindset to the table, a strategy to get from here to there.  Just like when we were down 4-2, it’s time to go the mound and chat – it’s time to partner and rally. 


OCTELLIENT - Our mission: simplify information security. With a Business First approach, we want to help you and your organization get to your core priorities and make the most of your infosec investments.  Our goal is to be your side-by-side partner, working together to navigate a tailored infosec strategy and bring expert advice to your toughest challenges.

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